What is Available at The Well Conference?
The Well Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is a conference for Christian Creatives. In 2024 at The Well Conference, we have a faculty lineup that will bless your heart and challenge your personal growth. I oversee the Personal Growth Track and personal growth is...
5 Tips to Navigate Christmas Memories!
That is a YES for me! I believe this is one of the reasons holidays are hard. People recall, they reflect. And if they have unresolved issues, it makes it hard. Very Hard! I am fortunate to write I can look back at my childhood and growing up years and smile at Christmas or other…
What does an out of balance life look like?
As tears pooled in the corner of her eyes a lady asked, “What does an out of balance life look like?” Like this picture-when you're out of balance you begin to sink. You have taken on too much! I unlocked the front door to the house on the hill longing for quietness....
How do you set boundaries over the holidays?
Holidays heighten abuse. Years ago, when I lived in the House on the Hill and in a marriage of abuse I learned to set boundaries. My heart had been shredded from the longevity and chronicity of the mental and emotional abuse I lived in for over a quarter of a century....
How do I help my girlfriend who might be in abuse?
This question was asked of me from a woman in my church. And I told her that was a great question. And if you want to know more about abuse and how to step out of its evil trap, sign up here to stay in touch. Read more of my story and other womens Or purchase my books...
How to live beyond emotional pain?
How to live beyond emotional pain? Years ago, I wondered if I would ever make it out of the deep pit of emotional pain that I was swimming in. I wanted to LIVE. THRIVE. DANCE. SING. MOVE. And become ALL I was created for. I longed and prayed for joy—the kind that sparkles and shines…
Three Tips to Recognize Unsafe People this Holiday Season.
The holidays bring out all kinds of reactions from people. And people you see over the holidays maybe emotionally unsafe. Be wise. Be careful. Learn these three tips to recognize an unsafe person. Watch for quick flattery from a person before you even know...
7 Questions Writers Want Answers To!
Welcome if you landed here on my blog. I am Darlene Larson and once upon a time, I was a reluctant writer. And it has taken me a lot of work in mindset shift and self-growth to write seven books. And I had all of these questions too. My first book was written with two...
Three Tips for Coping with Grief during the Holidays!
With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, holidays can be oh so hard, especially when you are coping with grief from the loss of a loved one and/or a family that has been torn apart. Traditions ring loudly!! Cutting the Christmas tree down Decorating...
What is the 16 over 60 Awards Gala?
Each year, the 16 Over 60 Awards recognize 16 Engaged & Inspiring individuals who are 60 years of age or more. Through their continuing achievements, passions, and impacts on those around them, these Honorees exemplify the vigor and purpose that may flourish with...
How do you change your life?
Today’s recipe is to learn how to begin to change your life! Recipes to live life God’s way. First, I applaud you if you recognize that your life is not working out how you want it to. And there is only one person who can change your life with GOD’s help. That is you....
Recipe to Live Life God’s Way- free of pretense.
Have you ever thought it’s impossible to change? I have, yet GOD showed me the Truth! Begin with small bites of truth and with small steps and you can change. I know so. And repeat these recipes to live and break free to live life God’s Way. This is the recipe to live life free of pretense,…