Finding beauty in the midst of oppression takes work.

Focus. A Choice. A deliberate look about.

Where have you searched or what have you searched for in the midst of pain, suffering, waiting, and/or oppression?

Last week, I stopped the car when temps were bitter cold to snap this picture. It screamed of His painting, His hand, His Sovereignty! He is bigger than our story.  HE is GOD!!!

Years ago, I learned and added this intentional step into my life to take beauty in.  It was one of the many lessons I learned from reading Viktor E. Frankl’s book on Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl survived living in a Nazi death camp. And one of his coping skills to survive was to “find meaning in the glimpses of beauty in nature and art. Most important, he realized that no matter what happened, he retained the freedom to choose how to respond to his suffering. ”

When I read his book for the first time, I was living in the house on the hill in abuse and the oppression was grinding me down daily. Ignored. Nameless. Painful. Yet, I wanted to learn to respond the Lord’s way.

And two verses jumped out to me then and today, I will share them with you. You may need them now or in your future.

“and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats,  but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; “(1 Peter 2:23 NASB).

I chose to lean into and wait on GOD’s hand to lead me out of the abuse. I chose to entrust the Lord with my story, over and over, and even with the emotional pain. I learned to stand up and confront and to grow up. Then this verse showed up for me when it was time for my next step.

“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;” (Ephesians 5:11 NASB).

There came a day, when I had had enough! Finally, I stepped toward support to help me walk the three-five year process to expose the evilness of abuse and it was far from pretty or painless.

It was messy and hard, yet GOD led me out through it all. And today, I am way to the other side and now can offer hope to others hurting and to help others grow up.

So wherever you are or whatever you are facing today, how will you choose to respond?

Will you add beauty seeking into your life?

It could be a color in the sky, a flower,  a candle scent, a smile from a baby, a wink from a friend, or a picture. This all depends on you and where you are looking. Search out beauty and pay attention to when your heart is stirred.

Recognize GOD is still on His throne and knows you and your story. He is the Creator of beauty.

And what else  besides beauty do you need, to grow you in your life?

Do you need to learn to confront?

If so, reach out for coaching. Live beyond the emotional pain with joy!

And if you are ready to discover more of you and your life purpose, jump in and take control of your life. Yes, YOU DO have a life purpose and grow your confidence in YOU!  90 Day Course that will awaken YOU.