Do you need to learn to confront so you can grow and have healthy conversations?

Once upon a time, I dreaded this topic.

I studied. Read. Studied some more, as I had a mountain of anger that was boiling within me and I had to learn to address that without spewing it out on others. And I am so thankful I heeded God’s ways as this is where GOD taught me my deep roots to know how to ask questions to get unstuck and that is what a true coach does, ask questions.

  1. Do you need to learn to confront?
  2. Do you need to know how to respond, instead of react?
  3. Do you have ongoing conversations in your head, that get you know where?

Confrontation skills can be learned in the most horrific situations as God enables and empowers a heart that wants His way.

In the past, I have offered boot camps on this topic.  And I have spoken on this topic at conferences with packed out rooms.

This is a skill I learned in the house on the hill of abuse. And let me tell you, it was like living in a 24/7 test laboratory.  I would speak out and blow it with some harshness and anger. Then I would study and unlearn and relearn and I would go stand up and speak out, with more kindness. I was determined. I would learn to do this God’s way and that my three children would witness their mom not cowering, but standing up and being kind, but truth filled. And let me share with you, anger in men and women have a variety of faces.

 F.A.C.E. is what I teach and coach privately with. And I use the material above.

  1. One must learn to face the person they are talking to and not hide behind a device.
  2. Assess is crucial.
  3. Conversation is the goal.
  4. Fourth is an Exit plan.

Do you want to dive deeper and learn how to confront?

You’ll need to know how to handle confrontation to have victory with your life purpose.

Grow in the skill of confrontation with this coaching plan for private work. And move from boiling anger or passivity-  to calm, cool, and clarity with confidence to get through the sweaty palm talk.  Email!

Or purchase this pricing plan package on this topic  to be set free to speak in kindness yet truth filled .FIVE hours of coaching and more!