What is life purpose coaching?

What is life purpose coaching?

Life purpose coaching delivers the answer for you to know why you are alive. What is it you are to fulfill? What are you to create? Why does GOD give you breath? What is it that will empower you to bounce out of bed each day? There is a difference between a life coach...
How do you write from your heart?

How do you write from your heart?

It takes work and words to get our heart on the page. Just Write! And it’s our words that count.  Just write! OUR words on paper and our words we speak are to match. How does that happen? The more you write the clearer your voice becomes.  And this is an area...
Emotional abuse is a standalone abuse.

Emotional abuse is a standalone abuse.

Emotional abuse is a standalone abuse. Hard to detect at times. You see no black eyes. You see no marks on her body. Yet, her heart is slaughtered as the weapons used on her are verbal and mental, so no one sees it unless they are in the abuser’s presence. It...
Eight tips to unplug and enjoy your vacation time!

Eight tips to unplug and enjoy your vacation time!

Eight tips to unplug and enjoy vacation time! It’s freeing! Healthy! Peace filled! Mindful! Selfcare to the core! And how do you do this? Choose to work ahead if you work on line and schedule posts so you don’t need to be on and off social media or on your website....
Is the Bible worth reading?

Is the Bible worth reading?

Is the Bible relevant for today’s woman? Is it worth my time to pick it up and read it and will it help me live life?  …do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: (James 4:5a NASB) Do you own a Bible? Do you open your Bible or is it a dust...