Before He created the universe, the Lord Himself had His designer eye on you. Believe this Truth to grow in your self-confidence.

Remember the childhood game, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Annie right on over?” Your name is shouted out, called out, desired, needed, and chosen from the opposite team. Blood rushed through your veins as you made a mad dash to the other side to break through their linked arms in order to capture a player. You grabbed the opposing team member and took them back to your side as the conquering victor. It was a “chosen” moment.

More than a childhood “chosen” moment is when a woman allows the Truth into the core of her being.


She is a chosen daughter of the King of Kings. Receiving this one Truth is like pouring love cement down into her foundation creating a solid rock of stability.

You were His idea.

He thought of you. And chose you to be in an intimate relationship with Himself, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world. He formed you. Can you receive this Truth right into your heart?

This heart shift is bedrock to getting away from grinding the gears of insecurity to grow in self-confidence!

Whether it means getting picked for a worship team spot, a speaking engagement, landing a job, an adoption placement, a date, a girlfriend relationship, an invitation to  a party, a coffee date, or a Bible study, women long to know they were chosen, desired, and invited. However, once you receive the Truth deep within, He chose you, you will not be gripped by the hands of insecurity. Instead, you are cemented into His everlasting security.


Try taking a bubble bath and soak and saturate in this one Truth, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world. I am hand-picked, cherry-picked, selected, chosen, and preferred, indeed. Would it not make a difference? Try it!

 Have you accepted the Truth, you are God’s idea and chosen by Jesus and so loved?

… just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world… (Ephesians 1:4a NASB)

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