Learn to F.A.C.E. and address issues!
Learn to grow your voice and confront with truth and kindness to learn to F.A.C.E. and address issues! Is your angst growing? Are you frustrated, angry, struggling deep within? Confront means to gain clarity and understanding by asking questions to deal with something...
Coaching clients share the value in being coached!
Coaching clients share the value in being coached! When I coach, I listen. When I coach I hear what a woman says, but also what she is not saying. I am a question asker and drill down to understand what they desire or want in life. And to hear where they are stopped...
How do you bring wholeness into your heart?
It all starts with you making a choice that you want more wholeness. Draw your heart strings together! Enable me, Lord, to shift—from living with a divided heart …To a whole heart. Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an...
Change your thoughts one at a time!
Joy (not her real name ) reached out to me to be coached. She wanted to know what God’s will was for her life. She had already tried reading her Bible longer and going to church more regular. She attended a new Bible study and chose to work longer days at work. Plus,...
Darlene Larson guest writer for the Speak Up Conference
It is an honor to be a guest writer for the Speak Up Conference. Plus, I am a faculty member for the Speak Up Conference where I meet one on one with men and women for a 15 minute appointment. I would love to meet you there! Darlene Larson guest writer for the Speak...
Learn to resurrect your creativity…
Learn. Grieve. Create. Resurrect. Over three decades ago, I slowly hid my heart and buried my creative craft of writing. I was told, “You cannot write. Write differently. You write too detailed.” And when I did write, it was criticized and stripped down. A war, I...
Where do your pain and purpose cross?
Where do your pain and purpose cross? For me, it was the emotional pain in a marriage of emotional abuse and wanting to know what was my life purpose. And God has taken my same pain and made purpose from it. Now, I help women put their finger on what they are...
New Year Goal Setting- 3 steps~
As we wrap up a year, New Year Goal Setting - Three Steps It's profitable to take inventory to how our year went. Then we can evaluate what needs to be done to go and grow in 2025. New Year Goal Setting - Three Steps Where do we begin? With our domains, as we do life...
Three steps to make holiday traditions – as a single!
Merry Christmas from my heart to yours. Three steps to make holiday traditions- as a Single! I intentionally slowdown to celebrate the Christmas season. And to combat self-pity, loneliness, and wishing things were different in my life ( with estranged relationships)....
Facing Abuse and Addictions this Holiday- three survival tips!
Abuse thrives in silence! Facing abuse and addictions this Holiday - three survival tips! The stage is set. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Family. Traditions. Past stories. Pressure. Pain. Family memories good and/or bad. A woman scrolls her social media feed and/or...
Five Recipes to Destress this Holiday Season!
Five Recipes to Destress this Holiday Season! We all know the picture. Running here and there making memories and merry. Yet, we are running on empty and depleted and burdened. Shopped out, and now we have baking to do and the nights are packed to attend the school...
Three steps to move Truth from head to heart!
How do I move the Truth from my head to my heart? Three steps to move the Truth from head to heart! Many women grew up in church. Sat in pews. Heard Truth. Read Truth. Jumped into activities, served, but none of these things have changed their lives. What’s missing?...