How do I become emotionally well?

How do I become emotionally well?

How do I become emotionally well? These two emails arrived in my inbox within 12 hours. I kept thinking what a match!  One woman shares her problem and the other shares her solution. The first email came in on a Sunday night and I could feel the woman’s pain as I read. I edited to…

How do I become emotionally well?

How do I become emotionally well?

How do I become emotionally well? These two emails arrived in my inbox within 12 hours. I kept thinking what a match!  One woman shares her problem and the other shares her solution. The first email came in on a Sunday night and I could feel the woman’s pain as I read. I edited to…

Reframe to 23 Truths!

Reframe to 23 Truths!

Reframe to 23 Truths! In early April, I spoke at a one day event called Reframe! Here are 23 Truths that the women shared with me at the end of the day that STOOD OUT to them! I am loved. Discipline to the call. To Love Myself and my Lord with all of my heart.…

Imagine having nothing to hide!

Imagine having nothing to hide!

Imagine having nothing to hide! Are you hiding? Hiding something? Hiding someone? This newsletter header, Imagine having nothing to hide, had an open rate of over 89.1% last week. That is the highest ever open rate for Hearts with a Purpose Newsletters in over 14 years of sending out newsletters to women. So why was this…

10 Tips to Survive and Celebrate Mother’s Day.

10 Tips to Survive and Celebrate Mother’s Day.

10 Tips to Survive and Celebrate Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day has become one of the biggest holidays for consumer spending in the USA. And yet, it can be bumpy and challenging for many women.  In my own journey I grew up knowing it was a day to honor my mom and we did show her…

Can you rest?

Can you rest?

Can you rest? Do you rest?  Is rest hard for you? Once upon a time, rest was very hard for me. I ran away from it and hid behind doing and doing. Until, my internal engines were about to blow. I knew I best stop. God wanted me to STOP and be still, then I…

10 Ingredients to Change YOU!

10 Ingredients to Change YOU!

 10 Necessary Ingredients TO Change You! You want more than the pain of just existing! You know you were made for more. You have tried to take baby steps to grow. You are listening to the Lord, but doubt sneaks in. You are ready to step, even if wobbly.    AND that is OKAY! You…

How do pain, passion and purpose collide?

How do pain, passion and purpose collide?

How do pain, passion, and purpose collide? In this blog post you will have the opportunity to listen in to a variety of interviews where I was featured in 2022! Take your pick or listen into ALL! Keep coming back as I add on to this list over 2022! The message of hope in Darlene…

How do you overcome a lie?

How do you overcome a lie?

How do you overcome a lie or lies?  I can not write. I can not speak. I am impossible. What is your lie? Are you stuck?  I was stuck for years! I asked God questions over and over and over. The WORD was my only answer.  So how did I shift? One verse at a time…

How to walk through hard seasons?

How to walk through hard seasons?

How to walk through hard seasons?   First COVID Then the Pandemic. Then the US elections. Now, the horrific, horrible, evil war in Ukraine. And it is evil. I pray Psalm 10, just read it all  and Psalm 82 too. Here are a few verses from Psalm 10  “In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the needy; …

Are you living intentional?

Are you living intentional?

Are you living intentional? Over the last few years, we have faced COVID and the pandemic. Then the USA elections during the pandemic. And now with the war in Ukraine, and it comes up close to us, as we see it on social media. And also we know people that live there perhaps, or we’ve…

What do we do with addictions?

What do we do with addictions?

What do we do with addictions? Years ago, one of my addictions was the way I reacted. I needed to learn to respond to life issues in a healthy way. And the book, The Anger Trap, by Dr. Les Carter was a great book where I devoured it, lived it, taught it, and coached from…