Duplicity is living two lives.

Deceitfulness. Double-dealing.

It’s way too easy to do this today. Live one life on-line and another life off line. Anyone can throw pictures up and reels of glitz and glamour to get attention, but are you growing and doing the hard growth work where God is nudging you within?

He sees your heart. He sees mine.

The real world you live in is reality, not the online world. I repeat. Real life is touching yourself and those in your space, that is life. The online world is virtual. Make sure you are investing in real relationships.

Also, we can have ideal views of ourselves, ideal. We can plaster them on line, but be a fake at home and also with how we handle things in our life. Do you say one thing but don’t follow through is a huge one. 

Again, God sees our heart.

Let me ask you, are you the same person, that when you look in the mirror, and then step away, you are the same person at home, on line, at church, talking to your children or husband? Where you go, you are the same?

Let me share a formula with you that I personally applied in my life back in 06 when I was growing in freedom and out of duplicity as I shared my true story. And I am still living by this formula today. It is HUGE! 

Own your life.

You are to take action. Get up each day, dress, make your bed, eat, work and perhaps care for loved ones, if you have them under your roof. Do what God has created you to do with your family, work, church, and community. Do! As you have to eat and keep on living.

Yet, you’re to do your life abiding in Father God, that’s your BE. To be in HIM, abide. BE! Your life purpose is beyond yourself. If you ignore God and smash, shove, or push your way through your life, you will get hurt and others as well. Allow Him into your journey.

So now we have DO-BE!

And then another DO is to do your unique purpose before you die. So it goes like this Do- Be- Do. I learned this Do-Be-Do formula from Dr. Katie Brazelton in Life Purpose Coach Training.

I have watched over the years that too many women try to run through the BE to get to the final DO.  So it looks like this. Do – skip BE the hard transformational heart work, to the final Do to say I achieved my purpose. Do, cross-out BE, to Do!

So who are you doing life for?

Father God cares more about the inner character transformation heart work then giving us our life purpose. 

This verse is a great one to pray. “Search me, God, and know my heart; Put me to the test and know my anxious thoughts;  And see if there is any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalm 139: 23 – 24 NASB).

Do you relate to this struggle with duplicity? Here is a great question to help you line up your life if duplicity is growing. Ask yourself,  why do you do that? 

By the way, sick and tired of being stuck in this area and faking it?  Save yourself some emotional angst and money and step into coaching to make you whole from the inside out and no more puzzle piece cut up feeling from the inside. Know who you are and step in to the Do-Be-Do! 

 Purchase here!
