What do you do with despair?

And how do you go forward?

Women that live in abuse know despair, like daily! And women that are stuck in life may wrestle with these too!

Loss. Hurt. Absence of Hope!

Let me remind you I am not a counselor, I am a life purpose coach. And yes, I have tasted despair and yes, I have coached women that struggle in this area.

Yet, I have been told by a counselor, Darlene keep coaching women to discover their life purpose as that will help them stay out of therapy. Now, that was a wonderful statement she said and I agree. 

When we STEP into our lane of life purpose our heart wakes up.

Women in despair shrink back. Stop. Isolate. And yet, they long to be real and to have these occur:

  • Good, real, honest conversations
  • Healthy mindset and not criticalness or second guessing
  • Freedom from guilt
  • Stepping into their created area…write, create, paint, sing, play sports, what? Name yours!

 Webster’s dictionary states, “Loneliness means to be cut off from others, not frequented by human beings, and produces a feeling of bleakness or desolation.”

This describes many women in despair, like a vacant soul.  And isolation is backwards then what we are made for. 

Can you relate? Often when we feel despair, we maybe cutting ourselves off from what we need. A Person.

Can you relate?

Why not consider being coached to wake up your heart to live out your life purpose? Life Purpose!