Which am I?

Which am I?  or  Who am I?

It’s not asking what you do. But who would you say you are? Who am I?

Betsy asked God, who am I? She was working in the emergency room as a doctor. She had a busy household with two teenage sons and a daughter in college. Her marriage was falling apart as there was no time investment with her husband. She knew she needed to stop. But how? She felt inside she was cut up like little puzzle pieces and longed to be whole and to enjoy life. Yet, she was clueless where to begin and could not answer who she was. Do you relate, if not with Betsy, what about these women?

Which woman resonates with you?

  • A worn out woman. Exhausted, as the busyness of life has made me feel like I am a human doer and not a human being.
  • A confused, counterfeit woman. The perfectionism mask is wearing off and I can no longer keep myself under wraps.
  • A fearful, frenzied, female. Trying to enable family relationships and juggling others needs at the sake of my own sanity.
  • An agitated. Anxious. Angry Woman. Life has not gone the way I expected and I am stuck. Sums me up well.
  • I got it all, but I’m not happy. Achieved the degrees, the career, the family, the house, the money, the portfolio, but it’s not fueling me. I want more, but what?
  • I am living my dream. Pay is good. Bonus are great. But I am not content in this position. Something seems off, like I’m not in the right position and out of sync. Did I miss read my dream?
  • Sweet smiling in sync woman. It’s taken time to unpack the stories, but finally in sync to His plans.

Which am I?  or  Who am I?

The angst, the agitation, the not knowing and the unsettledness will grow. Choose to step and discover the meaning God has for your life. And by the way, the pain can count for good, but it’s up to you to discover the pain for purpose. Coaching will help you flip that switch, don’t waste away in fear and pain, it’s no fun! Connect with me Email or Free 30 minutes!