When was your first visit to a cemetery?

  • Memorial Day is a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered.  If you have lost a loved one because of active military service, my sympathy, and thank you for their service.
  • My Memorial Day memories tie in with my first visits to a cemetery.
  • Over Memorial Day weekend, as a child, my parents chose to honor their parents and grandparents by attending to their gravesites, it was a family tradition.
  • My parents packed the Ford car with red geraniums, a milk jug of water, a trowel, and us kids. Red geraniums were a must  as they handle the heat and humidity in Michigan well.

I recall walking through this cemetery, Ford Cemetery, and hearing the stories of people that my parents knew and how they died.

  • My parents taught us to be respectful of the deceased and their families so walk to the front of their burial site.
  • I stepped near tall, small, and simple slabs of gravestones and wondered, what their story was? And what was life like in  1893 or 1920? Many stones had a name barely visible as the green moss and weather had faded the memorial marker.  And I wondered how that person died.

As I have seasoned in life, I’ve learned, settle where you going when you die, then you live, really live on earth, as it gives you life, and hope today, and forever.

  • I know without a doubt I will be in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Do you know that? If not, read my first book and understand how much God loves you and died for YOU! Enable Me, Lord, to Shift, book #1

Have you read and heard of the dash?

It’s that little line that is between the birth and death date on a headstone.  Life is represented by that dash, that short little line. So how is your dash progressing?

Recently, I heard a speaker end her talk by taking us all to a cemetery in our minds. And her words went something like this.

  • Many books were never written, now buried. Don’t let it be your story.
  • Many words of forgiveness were never shared with a handshake, talk, or a hug, instead buried with bitterness. Don’t let it be your story.
  • And many lives that chose not to receive the light of Truth, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, are gone, forever, without hope. Don’t let it be your story.
  • And many lives are done, over, and dead, yet never lived out their life purpose. Don’t let that be yours.

Book a coaching time to face your life and live out your life purpose! Book coaching! 

(Today, this is where my parents and my brother are buried. My father has a USA  flag and a large marker on the back of his tombstone, as he was in the US Army and fought in Korea.)