What does shame do to a woman?

What does shame do to a woman?

What does shame do to a woman? Shame sucks life from a woman! Carrie hung her head. Premarital sex, exotic dancer, and only she knew more of the sex stories. All were part of her résumé of shame. However, her actions changed when she met Jesus. But the shameful scenes...
What feelings dominate you?

What feelings dominate you?

What feelings dominate you?  Are they running and ruining your life? Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into the Truth and live!  I  took...
How can I shrink my second guessing?

How can I shrink my second guessing?

How can I shrink my second guessing? The answer is to know the truth. Doubt delivers second guessing! Know the truth and if that has been scrambled in abuse, discover the truth about YOU! Any woman who has lived in abuse, second guessing is a given. It begins by the...
How can I shrink my second guessing?

How can I shrink my second guessing?

How can I shrink my second guessing? The answer is to know the truth as doubt delivers second guessing! Know the truth and if that has been scrambled in the abuse, discover the truth about YOU! Any woman who has lived in abuse, second guessing is a given. It begins by...