What feelings dominate you? 

Are they running and ruining your life?

Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into the Truth and live! 

I  took a lie from my feelings bank and then uprooted it, and put in the SEED of Truth instead!

At one time, I was an enabler. I had to stop. In order for me to shift, I needed the Lord to enable me to SHIFT to live!

I was stuck in the feelings of, I feel sad. I feel mad. I feel worthless. I feel unloved…. you name yours…

In order to change to grow I took the feelings and bowed it under the WORD OF GOD.

Feelings bow to the Truth! They must, to shift!

Here are some quotes from book three.

I coach women using these books, as the Truth is what sets us free to live, really live! Women have told me these lines jumped out to them… and there is more of each devotional in the book.


Enable me, Lord, to shift from—feelings of envy to a heart at peace!

Envy is tricky, deceptive, and subtle. Envy lures us to desire what someone else has. It creeps up and snatches our contented heart like a thief. We see or hear of a friend receiving something we longed for or asked for—a job, a car, a home, a child, a man, or a promotion—and suddenly we believe it should be ours.

They got it. We didn’t. Our heart lunges to grab it, and our once peaceful heart becomes restless and agitated. We want it. We need it. This is how it worked for Anna…

Enable me, Lord, to shift—from feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and apathy to knowing Jesus came to those who are sick.

Many women walk with invisible crutches. They are internally wounded. Numb. Stuck. Apathetic. Hopeless. Helpless. Tired. Overworked. Under appreciated. Under paid. Never stopping. And joyless. Look around at their faces on Sunday in church.

When I coach or speak I ask women, “How whole are you from the inside out?” I’ve heard…

Enable me, Lord, to shift—from feelings of quitting to know I need to endure.

I want to quit. This is too much to expect of one person. Impossible. I have never done anything like this before. You feel like you’re at the bottom of Mt. Everest looking up, wondering, How will I ever get up there, let alone over the mountain?

Often when faced with a BIG project, painful trial, or an uncomfortable event or situation, we may ask, How?… 

What feelings dominate your day and are ruining your life?

I feel what?

I feel tired. I feel scared. I feel _____________________________.

Learn about your feelings and how they trap you.

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