by Darlene Larson | Aug 30, 2023 | Featured
Do you long to have someone listen to you? To listen offers pure acceptance. I see you. I hear you. I want to know what is on your mind and on your heart. I care enough about you that I will stop and soak you in. Do you long for someone to offer you this most...
by Darlene Larson | Aug 17, 2023 | Featured
Women’s How to Recipes to grow from the inside out. Allow your heart to be lovingly and gently broken open, like a seed. Then a sprout shoots up. Grows. Stands. Blooms. Flourishes, and grows more, to become all that God has created one to become. It’ll take...
by Darlene Larson | Aug 10, 2023 | Featured
Are you looking for a Christian women’s speaker that delivers transformational talks? In December of 2022, I received this email after speaking online for an event, “It was a fantastic show. Careena afterwards said you were one of the best guests we’ve had...
by Darlene Larson | Aug 5, 2023 | Featured
Do you have a hard story? Do you want to use your story for good? Do you want to get it out of you and on to paper? If so, this blog post is for you! When I started writing over 10 years ago, that was my complaint! My story is too hard to get out of me and on to...
by Darlene Larson | Jul 31, 2023 | Featured
I asked myself this question in my 40’s, how does life work and without so much pain? I truly wanted to know how to live life well. There had to be a way it worked, and without so much emotional pain. I am glad to say, GOD showed me the way as He is the how, as...