With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, holidays can be oh so hard, especially when you are coping with grief from the loss of a loved one and/or a family that has been torn apart.

  • Traditions ring loudly!!
  • Cutting the Christmas tree down
  • Decorating the tree and the house
  • Thanksgiving guests
  • Thanksgiving food
  • Scents of the season: a turkey roasting, apple pie fresh from the oven, a pumpkin pie on the counter, that missed dish…
  • Special holiday movies
  • The empty chair or two at the table
  • The miss of her or his smile and their hug
  • Laughter that is vanished
  • Crafts left undone
  • Photos that are not there
  • Smiles that are gone
  • Triggers in the stores of seeing a person that resembles their hair or features
  • Decorations that storm your memory with nostalgia
  • Sights. Smells. Sounds.
  • His or her presence gone yet not from your heart or mind.

So how do you cope? How do you make it another holiday or face your first? 

Here are my three tips!

  1. Only YOU can set your aim for what you want this holiday season. Name it and make it the overarching desire of your holidays. Peace. Focus. Crafts. Music. Singing. What? I believe mine will be Gratitude. Give thanks for all I had, what I now have, and to praise Him for all I anticipate.
  2.  Admit – that the holidays will be hard for you. And you will have moments that you long and miss to see your loved one.
  3. Make a plan to navigate the holiday season. Yes, a plan. Then when it gets bumpy you can pull that plan out and keep stepping toward your overarching word.

Do you desire help and some one to  guide you with a plan this holiday season?

If so, purchase and get booked as this will enable you to not feel alone and so lonely. Mini Intensive Grief Loss Coaching