I didn’t want to die an angry woman! How do you respond when life kicks you and you don’t like it? Have you ever felt blocked from what you want or wanted? Have you ever stuffed your emotional pain? Then you might swing the other way and have a lot to say...
Where are you at today? In order to get on down the road in life, we must access where we are. Which # and words best describe your life and where you are at today? Doubt. Determined. Destiny. Sadness. Story. Stepping. Pain. Purpose. Platform. Stuck. Stepping....
Are you addicted to the approval of others? I read once that 10% – 15% of the people we meet in life will never like us. Isn’t that lovely? Because 85% to 90% will like us. So why allow such a small number of people to control your life and scare you, in how you...
Is your red bow shredded? Imagine, a pretty silver package with a nice big red bow on top. That is how I wanted to do my life! A red bow for each situation and wrapped up pretty and safe and well. Very unrealistic I was! The truth was, not too long into my marriage...
What are your thoughts reaping? What we sow we will reap is a Biblical truth. So, what are you harvesting from your life? Attitude Only you choose your attitude. Wring your hands in worry fueling the anxiety or live and walk out the Truth of what God says! ...