How do you stop shame-based thoughts?

Shame is all about pinning you to the wall or holding you back and down. It’s accusation driven.

You should. You could.  You better. You ought to. You must.

Let me give you a little example. And with her permission.

I was on the phone with a woman. She said, “You can help me with this situation.” It was a sad story of someone she loved being deceived. Yet, she was beating herself up with these questions.

  •  How come you did not see it?
  • You were deceived, again?
  • What will people say?
  • What will they think?

Around and around her thoughts spun. And she ruminated and shrunk her life down even to distance herself from people she was fearful of.  SHAME does that.

And yet SHAME is not of GOD!

 Within ten minutes I drove the questions she needed to hear and have to answer. She voiced and then heard where she was STUCK and only she can change the direction of her thoughts! SHE DID and dislodged herself from the grip of shame!

She thanked me at least three times.

But, what stood out to me was this, “Now, I can sleep tonight and most likely my first good night of sleep in 8 months.”

SHAME robs us of joy, peace, truth and focus… Are you stuck in SHAME?

Learn to walk with your chin up, head up, shoulders back and do not cower to shame! Book 30 free minutes of coaching with me~