Does doubt follow you around and taunt you? 

Then it jumps over your shoulders and swings right into your face smacking you up hard!

Shuts you up and/or shuts you down to stop doing what you think you are meant to do.

DOUBT is an enemy!

And some people have lived with it so long they have to be on high alert to the lie it brings. 

So how do you starve it out?

You BEGIN to Practice the Truth or the WORD and not just do, do, and do some more! For example…

Many women grew up in church. Sat in pews. Heard Truth. Read Truth. Jumped into activities, served at church, but none of these activities  have changed their lives.

How do you stop the doubt that GOD can use me? Or that He has a plan with my life?

Believe Truth. State Truth. Practice Truth.

“Be anxious for nothing, be anxious for nothing …” (Philippians 4:6).

“God is for me, God is for me … ” (Romans 8:31).

“Trust in the Lord with all of my heart …” (Proverbs 3:5).

Deposit the Word into your heart to starve doubt! Shift into practicing the Truth.

 “The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things” (Philippians 4:9a).

 Where are you sowing the seed of Truth in your life to shrink DOUBT? 

Love to read your answer. 

And if you are ready to become more of who God has planned you to become, and to shrink the doubt, let’s go.  Life Purpose Coaching