by Darlene Larson | Mar 17, 2022 | Featured
How to walk through hard seasons? First COVID Then the Pandemic. Then the US elections. Now, the horrific, horrible, evil war in Ukraine. And it is evil. I pray Psalm 10, just read it all and Psalm 82 too. Here are a few verses from Psalm 10 “In arrogance...
by Darlene Larson | Mar 13, 2022 | Featured
Are you living intentional? Over the last few years, we have faced COVID and the pandemic. Then the USA elections during the pandemic. And now with the war in Ukraine, and it comes up close to us, as we see it on social media. And also we know people that live there...
by Darlene Larson | Mar 12, 2022 | Featured
What do we do with addictions? Years ago, one of my addictions was the way I reacted. I needed to learn to respond to life issues in a healthy way. And the book, The Anger Trap, by Dr. Les Carter was a great book where I devoured it, lived it, taught it, and coached...
by Darlene Larson | Mar 7, 2022 | Featured
What is life purpose coaching? It is this verse in action, “A plan in the heart of a person is like deep water, But a person of understanding draws it out” (Proverbs 20:5 NASB). A coach draws your stories out of you through asking questions to guide you into your...
by Darlene Larson | Mar 5, 2022 | Featured
Do you know what you want from your life? Often we know what we do not want in life. Let’s make a list. We do not want: Sickness. War-just watch what is occurring in Ukraine. My heart is torn for them. I pray. We don’t want fighting in relationships. We don’t want...
by Darlene Larson | Feb 2, 2024 | Featured
Two leftovers from emotional abuse that women need to be aware of. They are hidden, sneaky, and can stop you from growing-up. Awareness is the first step to transformational living! One is negating. This means when you say I want to do that, but then you slap your...