Where do you begin with writing a book?

Where do you begin with writing a book?

Where do you begin with writing a book? You begin. Write. Write in the mess. Write in the pain. Just write. Listen to the call. Rewrite. Edit. Send off a small devotional online to be published. Write an article for a book. My first article went in a book called, Live Big by Dr. Katie…

Are you living in emotional abuse?

Are you living in emotional abuse?

Are you living in emotional abuse? I am a coach for women that have lived or are currently living in emotional abuse, which is oppression. Let me ask you, are you living in oppression? According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary oppression is: unjust or cruel exercise of authority of power, excessive exercise of power, or a…

How can I become whole?

How can I become whole?

How can I become whole? Picture an upright vacuum cleaner standing in the corner of the living room. Normally, a round cylinder runs up and down inside the machine. It’s empty, until we suck up dust, dirt, hair, or maybe our pet’s fur. Sometimes the machine gets a clog from a hairball or two in…

What do you want to do this summer?

What do you want to do this summer?

What do you want to do this summer? Have you made your list of your goals, your plans, or your dreams? If not, sit down. Ask yourself some questions. Take Inventory. Write it out. Begin! Let me ask you three coaching questions. What do you want less of this summer? What do you want more of…

5 Warning signs you’re out-of-balance!

5 Warning signs you’re out-of-balance!

5 Warning signs your life might be out-of-balance! Here are some early warning signs. 1.     You sigh a lot. 2.     Your to-do list is longer than the reality of the hours in the day. 3.     Your anxiety level is growing. 4.     Anger is raising its ugly head. 5.     You are reacting with spitting and spewing…

What is Next?

What is Next?

What is next? What now? Women often find themselves asking one of these two questions sometime in their life. I have asked them many times. From teaching, to becoming a mom, to raising kids, to summer season, fall season, death(s), divorce, betrayal, and then what is next in my life as I sought more meaning…

What is the difference between counseling and coaching?

What is the difference between counseling and coaching?

What is the difference between counseling and coaching? Counseling or therapy is targeting the area where a woman is hurting. She may have difficultly in moving forward, therefore, it may be necessary to dive into specific areas of her life to address her past and pain in order to move toward wholeness. Counseling focuses on…

How to face a divorce?

How to face a divorce?

How to face a divorce? Watching a spouse walk out the door, children and/or teens following a role model they idolize while a wife holds her breathe and prays for help is a scene often repeated in our homes today. ( And if you are a man reading this, please know I understand women walk…

Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift to live!

Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift to live!

Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift to live!  I was taught to drive with a stick shift. My dad’s red Ford pickup was equipped with a stick shift—a long skinny metal stick with a knob on top that came up from the floorboard. The stick danced a bit as you moved down…

What is your mountain you’re facing today?

What is your mountain you’re facing today?

What is your mountain you’re facing today? We stand and look at them straight on and wonder how in the world am I going to make it over this mountain? Moving? Weight loss? Facing a Divorce? Job change? Emotional abuse? Life purposelessness? Health concern? Anger? Grief? Disappointments? Hatred? Jealousy? We all face mountains in our…

How can I shrink my second guessing?

How can I shrink my second guessing?

How can I shrink my second guessing? The answer is to know the truth. Doubt delivers second guessing! Know the truth and if that has been scrambled in abuse, discover the truth about YOU! Any woman who has lived in abuse, second guessing is a given. It begins by the abuser casting doubt on the…