What thoughts leave you stuck?


What lies do you believe?

Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into Truth and live! 

I  took a lie and then uprooted it and put in the SEED of Truth instead!

At one time, I was an enabler. I had to stop. In order for me to shift, I needed the Lord to enable me to SHIFT to live!

Many lies had me trapped, almost like I was stuck to a spider web. In order for me to get off of the web or the web of lies off of me, I chose to cut one lie off of me at a time.

Here are some quotes from book two.  I coach women using these books, as the Truth is what sets us free to live, really live! Women have told me these lines jumped out to them…

Enable me, Lord, to shift—my thoughts of accusations from the accuser to Truth.

…Women’s thoughts spin and tie into knots. If she is not slashing and slaying with the sword of Truth—lies begin to grow, disabling whole healthy living. 

Where can you begin to untie the tangled thoughts? One thought at a time.


Enable me, Lord, to shift—from fear to a sound mind.

Fear was all over the chambers of my heart knocking me down, robbing me of joy, peace, purpose, focus, and forward living. Even though I lived in a fear-breeding atmosphere, I was determined to shrink fear out of my life.

…When fear came knocking, I purposely chose this verse to wage war against fear: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (II Timothy 1:7 KJV). I made a decision not to open the door to fear and allow it to march in, sit down, and start a conversation. I stayed alert and was proactive. 

These two quotes are slices from that days devotional, as there is much more in each story.

Here is the link to  Read more and purchase books!

And of course I would love to hear your story and coach you to change your thought life in order to  live! Book a time!

What thoughts are you saying to yourself that stop you in life?