How do you let go of emotional pain and bloom?

How do you let go of emotional pain and bloom?

How do you let go of emotional pain and bloom? God gives us life and second chances with redemption if we want it. I read this poem years ago and it touched me to the  core of my soul. Can you relate? A Woman’s Journey Then the time came when the risk it took To...
What is Life Purpose Coaching?

What is Life Purpose Coaching?

What is life purpose coaching? It is this verse in action, “A plan in the heart of a person is like deep water, But a person of understanding draws it out” (Proverbs 20:5  NASB). A coach draws your stories out of you through asking questions to guide you into your...
Two Leftovers From Emotional Abuse!

Two Leftovers From Emotional Abuse!

Two leftovers from emotional abuse that women need to be aware of. They are hidden, sneaky, and can stop you from growing-up.  Awareness is the first step to transformational living! One is negating. This means when you say I want to do that, but then you slap your...
How did I change from I can not – to I can?

How did I change from I can not – to I can?

How did I change from, I can not – to I can? I can not write. I can not type fast. I can not. I can not change.    So how did I shift from believing I can not, to I can? With stating the Truth over and over and adding in baby steps. I repeatedly removed the...
How to overcome disappointments?

How to overcome disappointments?

How to overcome disappointments? (The names I use in my writings are not the real names of the women that I coach.) Dawn’s husband promised her a cruise for their 20th wedding anniversary. The day after their anniversary, her excitement took over and she went out and...