Do I have something to offer? Do I have a purpose? How does my story all fit together?

Listen in to the TV interview over at AARP where I was interviewed on Real Possibilities.

We all ask questions and we all wonder. 

In the Bible we see how true this is.

In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11a, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; …”

Every human being senses and is aware of time, eternity, and that there is more. And so many ask, why am I alive?

I know I did when I was in my teenage years.

How about you, have you asked, why am I alive? We were made to seek purpose and meaning with our one life. 

Let me share more before you listen in as Jennifer and I went fast. You do want to take inventory of your life story.

Your gifts. Your abilities. Your pain points. Your loss.

And limiting beliefs often stop many. And we can call many of those lies.

Also, you have to be willing and to be determined to step and explore your story.

What a great way to wrap up your life but living it full out  with your purpose and touching the people group you long to touch! After you listen in and want to chat, schedule a coach call to see how you can come alive and thrive.

Schedule a short coach chat! 

Listen in to learn more about grief-loss and life purpose as I was interviewed on TV Wood. ABC 4 for AARP. Click the link below for a short show!  Do I have a Life Purpose?  What do I do with grief and loss?