1. Recycle the pain.

  2. It’s a process.

  3. Perhaps, it may be a part of your pathway to purpose.

Many women bog down and get stuck in an area of grief during life’s way.

When you hear the word, grief, what and where does your mind run off to?

A death, pain, loss, affliction, sorrow, heartache, tears, boxes of Kleenex, or what? 

Webster’s dictionary defines grief as a deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement, a cause of such suffering, mishap, trouble, annoyance, misadventure, and an unfortunate outcome.  

Normally, our mind flies to a death to match the word grief. However, grief comes in a variety of packages. 

When I coach women on this topic of loss and grief, I have a coaching page of over 100 areas of Grief and Loss they can check off. Here are a few  grief areas mentioned: divorce, bankruptcy, cancer, torn family, loss of  a home, burglarized, deafness, laid off,  jail term, sexual abuse, relocation, rape, fire, handicap, illness, insomnia, jilted, depression, disease, broken dreams, aids, anorexia, miscarriage, covid19,  suicide, weight related circumstances, and empty nest are just a few.

Author Katie Brazelton explains “Grief as any sadness, loss, pain, failure, or sorrow you have had to deal with, whether that was a crisis in your own life or in the life of your spouse, child, or dearest friend…. The circumstances of your past can help you find purpose and fulfillment in your life as you befriend someone who is experiencing a crisis that you have already lived through. Put another way, your grief is meant to be recycled into something useful that blesses the life of another, as soon as you’re able.” Conversations on Purpose for Women, by Dr. Katie Brazelton.

II Corinthians 1:3-5 states,  “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.”

Don’t let your grief silently, slowly, and secretly take over your heart and cause you to stop becoming who God desires you to become.

I invite you in November of this year, 2023, I will be offering a 4 week coaching group for women in grief that want to step through the holidays no matter how many tears you shed.

Learn the how to cope recipes this holiday season. Email for details. Email!

And if you prefer private one on one coaching, schedule a time to chat here. Schedule a time to chat!

 One of my favorite books, Blessings of Brokenness by Charles Stanley, states, “God has a purpose in allowing bad things to happen, and his purpose extends not only to my life alone, but to the lives of others who I may influence or help.”

Who would you like to help with your pain?