by Darlene Larson | Mar 7, 2024 | Featured
Shame based thinking is accusation driven and performance based living. You should. You could. You better. You ought to. You must. 1. Shame pins you down. 2. It holds you back. 3. You spin in one spot. 4. And ruminate over and over and over. 5. And yet to never...
by Darlene Larson | Mar 1, 2024 | Featured
For women in abuse they see and watch others’ lives go forward, but they’re stuck. Also for women in grief and loss. And perhaps for children that lived in abuse who are now adults. There is such trauma around it all. 20 reasons not to give up on you and your...
by Darlene Larson | Feb 19, 2024 | Featured
Do you need to learn to confront so you can grow and have healthy conversations? Once upon a time, I dreaded this topic. I studied. Read. Studied some more, as I had a mountain of anger that was boiling within me and I had to learn to address that without spewing it...
by Darlene Larson | Feb 13, 2024 | Featured
Before He created the universe, the Lord Himself had His designer eye on you. Believe this Truth to grow in your self-confidence. Remember the childhood game, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Annie right on over?” Your name is shouted out, called out, desired, needed, and...
by Darlene Larson | Feb 10, 2024 | Featured
Are you a people pleaser? I read that 10% – 15 % of the people we meet in life will never like us. SO – 85% to 90 % will like us!! 🙂 So why allow such a small number of people to control our life and scare us in how we choose to respond. Let’s try this...