Created in the image of GOD. We are meant to create. 

We were made to follow our creative lead!

Do you know what you are to create? 

Read along as I share one woman’s story to wield her pen:

As a young girl, perhaps 9 or 10 years of age, this woman received a little pink diary for Christmas embellished with a golden lock and key. Oh, how she loved the clean pages and awaited the new year to begin penning her precious private thoughts. She’d write, and then lock up her words.

We were made to follow our creative lead!

In high school, she shifted to the love of creative writing. Freedom. Expression. Create with words, what fun. Surprisingly, she won the high school creative writing award her senior year. But, her grammar teacher thought otherwise, and filled her papers with red checkmarks. This teacher was impossible to please, so why try she thought.

Then off to college she went. Her writing took a hard hit in the freshmen composition class. Those red checkmarks appeared again! Then computers came off the conveyor belt and she didn’t type fast. But she loved paper and pen, so they became her instruments.

The most frustrating attacks against her writing came next from a trusted loved one. You write with too much detail! You write too personal! You need to change the way you write! These attacks began shortly after they married. Every December, for 20 years, she wrote letters to send to a specific agency. She included snippets of  life with  two littles and how they had grown and what they did over the year. And she dreaded her naysayer’s scrutiny and his negative comments, you write too detailed, too personal, and you need to change the way you write.

With years of criticism, she interpreted her husband’s words to believe, she didn’t know how to write, even though she was an educator.

When she entered her forties she sensed a career shift and heard the call, to coach, speak, teach, and write on behalf of the needs of hurting, harried, and women that hunger for purpose. So now what was she to do? Me-Write? You have got to be kidding? God, did I hear you correctly?

And so she began, restoring the lost creative craft of writing. She wrote morning pages: daily, on three notebook size pages with a pen. Picture a brain dump session with pen and paper. First thing every morning she lets the naysaying editor in her mind rip and whip her writing apart, but it doesn’t boss her. She writes, she wins, and she brings the words out and onto paper. The key is to allow her words freedom, without bowing to the critical editor. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, she writes. Her thoughts shift to truth. She believes she can write because of the practice of the morning pages. The negative hounding diminishes.

Think of morning pages as free therapy to unearth all the pain and lies when an individual, like this woman, survives an abusive environment where emotional pain pierced her heart and soul daily, for over two decades.

From a love to write in her little pink diary, to writing letters, to books, God wastes nothing if we remain moldable. You see, I am that woman, who kept picking up my pen daily for over eleven years to write morning pages. But the credit goes to my Creator. He kept me in a position of needing Him and close to Him as I remained on the Potter’s wheel when I wanted to jump off. Truly His call is worth the work to transform pain to purpose.

If you are stuck or have had toxicity, grief or loss, or trauma, and you want to resurrect your creative craft to create while stepping into your life purpose, jump in this well loved 90 day DIY course. How do I resurrect my creativity?

And I close with this quote.

“We are called to write, and I feel we will be held responsible at the Judgment for the people who are hurting that we could have helped but didn’t because we didn’t write what GOD laid on our hearts to write.” Harold Ivan Smith, in the book, A Step in the Write Direction, by Donna Clark Goodrich.