by Darlene Larson | Oct 8, 2021 | Featured
What is life purpose coaching? Recently, I was asked these questions for several interviews. I thought you might like to read them and my answers. What is it you do? Well, what I do is help struggling, hurting, harried, and hungry women experience true freedom....
by Darlene Larson | Oct 3, 2021 | Featured
Do you know your purpose in life? Or your life purpose, or why you are still alive? When interviewed, I’m asked often, what do I say to the woman that wants to know, does she have a life purpose, if it isn’t to write a book or speak? What would you say to...
by Darlene Larson | Sep 27, 2021 | Featured
How do you grow in endurance? Endurance is a key to finish any race. Grade yourself. A. B. C. D. E. or in between? Do you need to work on this area in your life? Discipline is the muscle that empowers endurance. Call it stick-to-itiveness, grit, to keep showing up...
by Darlene Larson | Sep 24, 2021 | Featured
How to overcome disappointments? (The names I use in my writings are not the real names of the women that I coach.) Dawn’s husband promised her a cruise for their 20th wedding anniversary. The day after their anniversary, her excitement took over and she went out and...
by Darlene Larson | Sep 20, 2021 | Featured
What do women need? Women need women. I have hung with women all of my adult life. Plus, I grew up with sisters and watched my mom with her seven siblings in which five of them were females. Oh they loved and honored each other well through their adult years, up until...
by Darlene Larson | Sep 14, 2021 | Featured
Who am I? It was in 2003, Jan./Feb. cold, blustery days and a long new year loomed out in front of me. I sat in my nook area at the House on the Hill and asked two questions to God, who am I and what do you want to do with me at this season of my life? God has...