Do you feel like an empty bubble?


For many years I unpacked the Christmas boxes carefully looking for this ONE box that held this globe. It had been a Christmas gift from my parents, shortly after I married. The picturesque winter scene of a snow frosted pine tree and children bundled up building a snowman represented my childhood. Every year I  wound it up and delicately put it on display and listened as it played “We Wish you a Merry Christmas”.

But one Christmas, when I picked up the box something was terribly wrong.

It felt lighter. Oh! It was depleted of water, yet the glass bubble was intact and the wintry scene was still brilliantly beautiful. I set it out for display that Christmas and reflected often on that empty snow globe. I recognized that snow globe exemplified my life. I was like the display in the bubble, presentable, but empty and drained after losing my parents, a brother, and then my marriage of 27 years. Yet, my heart was still ticking, like the music switch that still worked.

I knew I needed to grieve and let out the tears to help cleanse my grief away. Then be filled through the power of the Holy Spirit. “. . .  the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self-control…” (Galatians 5:22-23a NLT)

I needed Jesus to enable me and then I could grow stronger from the inside out. 

And He did and has.  

How about you, do you feel depleted and your bubble is empty? 

Is there something inside you that desires to sing like the musical snow globe? 

If you answered yes to either question, book a complimentary coaching time with me so we can get you stepping into 2023. Book 30 free minutes of coaching with me~