How do I become whole?

How do I become whole?

How to: become whole! Facing reality is the first step to growth. Examine your life so you can see what is working, what is not, and what needs to go. To grow, requires a humble heart. It takes honest work like removing a rose colored pair of glasses to admit, something is off in my…

How do you pull up the dead roots in your life?

How do you pull up the dead roots in your life?

How do you pull up the dead roots in your life? This past summer, I visited my brother and his wife at their lake house. My brother, Bill, was in need of getting a tree out of their yard, henceforth, this heavy stump. As we visited, my brother sawed one root away, and another root,…

How do we shift in life?

How do we shift in life?

How do we shift in life? Women’s lives are full. Media feeds us false messages of who we should be. The fast pace of life leaves us harried and exhausted. Social media tempts us to compare ourselves with women in our church, community, across the nation and even around the world. We frantically scour the…

How do I face an empty nest?

How do I face an empty nest?

How do I face an empty nest? Your last child flew the nest, another is off to college and one married this past summer. Now you wonder, how in the world can I do this? An empty house without kids? No more showers running in the wee hours of the morning nor phones pinging from…

How do you not withdraw?

How do you not withdraw?

How do you not withdraw? Do you excuse or escape by withdrawing? You’re sitting at a round table with women. Conversations are going on around you, but you don’t feel important enough to be invited into the talk and/or choose to speak up. You choose to take the road of least resistance, escape, pull back…

What is the first step toward change?

What is the first step toward change?

What is the first step toward change? You recognize and admit that you can’t stay like you are. You want more from life. You want more than the pain of just existing!  You know you were made for more. Yet self doubt sneaks in.  Yet, you’re ready to step, even if wobbly. And that is OKAY!…

How do you learn from the pain of life?

How do you learn from the pain of life?

How do you learn from the pain of life? Stop. It’s opposite than what we think. Stop doing.  Stop running. Stop ruminating. Stop. Can you, stop? Once upon a time, that was very hard for me. I ran away from it and hid behind doing and doing and more doing. Until, my internal engines were…

How do you shift pain to purpose?

How do you shift pain to purpose?

How do you shift pain to purpose? This is what I do. I help women find purpose from their pain. Pain to Purpose- how do you begin to sift through the mess of your life and repurpose the pain? Does it feel like a tsunami of loss and grief that sweeps in and over you?…

Do you know your core values?

Do you know your core values?

Do you know your core values? Or What is your foundation or your guiding principles to live by? Recently, I have looked at a few homes and I walked out of them without offering a bid. Why? The foundation under two of the houses was rotten to the core, wet to the floor, wreaked of…

Are you in bondage to perfectionism?

Are you in bondage to perfectionism?

Are you in bondage to perfectionism? Perfectionism is a robber! I thought it was only my idol until I went through coach training and then began coaching women. Perfectionism holds women captive to perform and a standard that is unrealistic. Perfectionism is a false god and wants us to stroke it and bow to it.…

What can come forth from pain?

What can come forth from pain?

What can come forth? Cups. Cups. Cups.  They can be colorful, decorated, and be full of tea, coffee, and/or your favorite drink. But what about the stories in your CUP of LIFE? The story that you didn’t sign up for, the stories you detest, or the ones that brought you much pain in life? After…

What does it take to launch -to write and speak?

What does it take to launch -to write and speak?

Picture a bike wheel with spokes going to the center. Look at the center of the wheel or the above picture. Your life purpose is embedded within your heart.  And there is a heart within a heart. Your life message is there. It’s yours to deliver to the world. And it will not go away. You…