What is shame and its lie?

Shame is all about pinning you down and holding you back from freedom. It’s accusation driven. And driven to the core of your heart for you to believe, the lie, that you are NO GOOD! 

 Picture someone pointing their finger at you and even driving their finger into your chest. You. You. You. You should. You could.  You better. You ought to. You must. And you must change for them!

And guess what, you begin to think YOU are the issue!! Not them or the topic at hand. Shame wants you to believe you are a rotten, no good for nothing person and unchangeable.

Lie. Lie. Lie. 

Shame loves to follow you around and accuse you. You said that. You did this. You. You. You. Or with questions, that haunt you, how come you did not see it or how were YOU deceived, again?

SHAME does that. Just like a wild dog barking at your heels to get you to cower, cave, and collapse and never step to freedom.

 SHAME is not of GOD.  Shame robs you of joy, peace, truth and focus. And yet, often women are so wrapped up in SHAME they think it is GOD trying to spank them with SHAME. It is not. He is for YOU!

It’s the enemy to keep you down. 

Learn to dissect the difference. What are you listening to?  When you’re speaking shame based words to yourself to defeat yourself? Or when God is nudging you to wake up and bow down and get right with Him because of a wrongful choice, attitude, action, and/or thought. 

There is a BIG difference! And a world of goodness that God wants for you!

Do you want to know how to dissect these two so you can cut away to live in freedom?   Book 30 free minutes of coaching with me~

Or sign up and join me in this coaching group on Nov. 10th from 1:00-2:00 EST over zoom and cost is $39.00 and receive the above coaching worksheet and learn how to change up your life to LIVE FREE from shame based thinking! Email!