How do we start a new year?

Dear Reader, Friend, and/or Follower of Hearts with a Purpose,

Happy New Year! When I prayed about how to start off a new website, and a new year I sensed this, a prayer for us all.

LORD, on behalf of the many women and men that you have brought to Hearts with a Purpose, I thank you.  I know you hear my prayers and I thank you.

Father, you already know what each of us went through in 2020. We are still breathing. For that alone, may we give you praise, MUCH praise! Thank you for life here on earth.

And now as we face a new year, may we turn our hearts to you, as you desire our hearts more than any activity we do. “And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38 NASB). Lord, forgive me, as I have not loved you like this. Help me do so and to think more about YOU, than food, or people, or my work, or whatever I feast my eyes upon. Enable us to obey this verse as only you fill up the holes in our souls. I know that personally, as I had deep holes and lots and lots of emotional pain from abuse. Yet, you have healed me. Do that for my friends too I ask. Thank you! 

You desire us to worship you, love you, seek you, confess to you, surrender our sin-filled lives and ways to you, and give our life to you in order to live for you. Draw us closer to you as you desire an intimate relationship with us so we can know YOU, glory in you, love on you, and spend all eternity with you.

You are faithful God. Healer. Sustainer and giver of life and our life purpose. Lord, love on and bless the women and men here. Allow them to take a step toward you and to adjust their life where you are at work and how you long for us to join you. It will require a crisis of belief and a changeover to live by faith. But, you tell us,” If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13 NASB).

God is God. I am not. I surrender to Him and join my heart and my hand to His. I pray you do too! Thank you, Lord, for listening. May we now look to you today and join you at work and enjoy YOU!

Love, Your daughter, Darlene

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