How to walk through hard seasons?

How to walk through hard seasons?

How to walk through hard seasons?   First COVID Then the Pandemic. Then the US elections. Now, the horrific, horrible, evil war in Ukraine. And it is evil. I pray Psalm 10, just read it all  and Psalm 82 too. Here are a few verses from Psalm 10  “In arrogance...
Can Life Purpose Coaching bring me to life?

Can Life Purpose Coaching bring me to life?

Can Life Purpose Coaching bring me to life? I coached a couple that has been married for 35 + years. Their passion of writing books collides, two want to be authors =books. What fun we had in our session.  When we started she said, “I am stalled out.” When we wrapped...
Do you long for a purpose?

Do you long for a purpose?

Do you long for a purpose?  If so, you are not alone. Many women struggle right there! I get it, I was there 20 years ago.  And NOW, what I do, is help struggling, hurting, harried, and hungry women experience true freedom. Through private coaching,  a woman discovers...
How do you grow in endurance?

How do you grow in endurance?

How do you grow in endurance? Endurance is a key to finish any race.  Grade yourself. A. B. C. D. E. or in between? Do you need to work on this area in your life? Discipline is the muscle that empowers endurance.   Call it stick-to-itiveness, grit, to keep showing up...
Are you living in emotional abuse?

Are you living in emotional abuse?

Are you living in emotional abuse? I am a coach for women that have lived or are currently living in emotional abuse, which is oppression. Let me ask you, are you living in oppression? According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary oppression is: unjust or cruel...