What do you want to do this summer?

What do you want to do this summer?

What do you want to do this summer? Have you made your list of your goals, your plans, or your dreams? If not, sit down. Ask yourself some questions. Take Inventory. Write it out. Begin! Let me ask you three coaching questions. What do you want less of this summer?...
5 Warning signs you’re out-of-balance!

5 Warning signs you’re out-of-balance!

5 Warning signs your life might be out-of-balance! Here are some early warning signs. 1.     You sigh a lot. 2.     Your to-do list is longer than the reality of the hours in the day. 3.     Your anxiety level is growing. 4.     Anger is raising its ugly head. 5.    ...
What is Next?

What is Next?

What is next? What now? Women often find themselves asking one of these two questions sometime in their life. I have asked them many times. From teaching, to becoming a mom, to raising kids, to summer season, fall season, death(s), divorce, betrayal, and then what is...
How to face a divorce?

How to face a divorce?

How to face a divorce? Watching a spouse walk out the door, children and/or teens following a role model they idolize while a wife holds her breathe and prays for help is a scene often repeated in our homes today. ( And if you are a man reading this, please know I...