Who am I?

Who am I?

Who am I? It was in 2003, Jan./Feb. cold, blustery days and a long new year loomed out in front of me. I sat in my nook area at the House on the Hill and asked two questions to God, who am I and what do you want to do with me at this season of my life? God has...
Are you struggling with purpose in your life?

Are you struggling with purpose in your life?

Are you struggling with purpose in your life? If so, you are not alone. That is why Hearts with a Purpose exist. Your purpose is embedded in/on your heart. Women tell me, they just keep doing stuff to numb the pain. One woman told me she created and created and...
7 Limiting-Beliefs of Women

7 Limiting-Beliefs of Women

7 Limiting-Beliefs of Women  I have heard these words through coaching women over the last 13 years.  Limiting beliefs do just that, they stop women from living out their life purpose, LIMITING! Therefore, stunting their growth. It’s like rain pouring down, and...
What do you want to create?

What do you want to create?

What do you want to create? It’s a clue to your life purpose. Do you want to write a book about what you’ve learned? Do you want to get published? Do you want to live larger in your life? If so, you are at the right website. Is there something deep within you...
Does emotional abuse ramp up over a holiday?

Does emotional abuse ramp up over a holiday?

Yes, emotional abuse ramps up over holidays! The stage is set as a woman flips the pages, or scrolls through a magazine, website, or social media site. The  powerful message flashes and splashes through her newsfeed of a perfect holiday. A woman feast her eyes upon...
Do you shake your head longing for clarity?

Do you shake your head longing for clarity?

Do you shake your head longing for clarity? Are you stuck in a transitional phase in your life? Parenting – to letting go? Ageing? Empty nester? Retired? Do you long for more meaning from your life? What next? Perhaps: You’re trying to learn to live...