What thoughts leave you stuck?

What thoughts leave you stuck?

What thoughts leave you stuck? or What lies do you believe? Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into Truth and live!  I  took a lie and then uprooted it and…

What lies do you believe?

What lies do you believe?

What lies do you believe? Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into the Truth and live!  I took a lie and uprooted it and put in the SEED of…

Does my life matter?

Does my life matter?

Does my life matter? Yes. YES. YES!!!  Believe the TRUTH!  You are needed. You story matters. Your voice counts. You have something to offer to a hurting world that needs your pain turned to purpose. A woman left me a VM today and with a shaky voice she said, “Thank you so much. I am…

How can I release my emotional pain?

How can I release my emotional pain?

A woman asks, “How can I release my emotional pain?” That is a great question. And I would ask, “Do you want to get it out of you?” It is one thing to know you have emotional pain and then it is another to want to do something about it. We were not made to…

11 Suggestions to Overcome Loneliness on a Holiday!

11 Suggestions to Overcome Loneliness on a Holiday!

11 Suggestions to Overcome Loneliness on a Holiday! Who can you control on a holiday, or for that matter, on any day of the week? Only oneself! Recognize you’re by yourself. Face it. It’s okay! You are alive! No ONE needs to give you value as you already have it, created in the image of…

Emotional Abuse Coach

Emotional Abuse Coach

Emotional Abuse Coach Psychological abuse Support Narcissism Partner Abuse Emotional Abuse Support I coach women stuck in abuse. Emotional Abuse Recovery. Emotional Abuse Support Quiz. Emotional Abuse Coach for Women, that’s me! Take a QUIZ,  is this abuse or just a bad attitude? Click here! Abuse: deceptive manipulation shame based fear driven Abuse is NO…

Enable Me, Lord, to Shift Devotionals for Women

Enable Me, Lord, to Shift Devotionals for Women

Enable Me, Lord, to Shift Devotionals for Women Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into Truth and live! Testimonials: God has given you a wonderful way with words!  Just sayin’ D. P. I am on book four. You got this Darlene. You are a darn good writer and definitely have something worth…

Are you in your 40’s and asking how does life work?

Are you in your 40’s and asking how does life work?

 Are you in your 40’s and asking how does life work? How does this all work together? How many can you relate to? Perhaps you are: A mom Stay at home mom Home-schooling mom Career woman Busy mom Doer mom Fixer mom Runner mom Taxi mom Exhausted Frazzled Noise is starting to impact you Your…

Where does a woman look to find her value?

Where does a woman look to find her value?

Where does a woman look to find her value? Does she find it in: her career her bank account her children her spouse her marriage her home her education her looks her performance Where do you look to find your value? ______________________________________ The Truth says, “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of…

How do you do Father’s Day without a father?

How do you do Father’s Day without a father?

 How do you do Father’s Day without a father? I will answer that question. But first, do you see the red pick-up on the book cover of Enable Me, Lord, to Shift?  It was my father who taught me how to shift and drive the old red pick-up. He sat to the right of me. And…

Are you stuck in idle?

Are you stuck in idle?

Are you stuck in idle? I am stuck. I am complacent.  How do you shift to live? It begins with awareness. A desire, I want more and will change.   Then we start with the lie we say to ourselves, I can not or I am dumb, stupid, fat, lazy…whatever you say to beat yourself up…