How do I love?

How do I love?

We all want love! But, do we ever stop and ask how do we love? To love others is where LOVE begins! It’s in the giving of love away, when we learn to receive His love. It is opposite of our selfish-pride. Who is the Creator of Love?    Where does love come from? God. He…

How do  I bridge my past to my future?

How do I bridge my past to my future?

How do I bridge my past to my future? Think of this tape measurement. This is a quilting tape measurement and is over100 inches long. All of your stories are sprinkled along your time line (picture measuring tape) of life. Birth. Grade School. High School. Deaths. Disappointments. Sports. Dating. Jobs. Pain. Abuse. Rape. College perhaps.…

Is your life purpose buried?

Is your life purpose buried?

Is your life purpose buried within? She landed on my couch. She said, “I am dreaming. But you know, if I voice, it’s just going to be words. And it might even sound like I am bragging.” I said, “Just voice it. I want to hear it.” Her answers came up and out of her…

21 ways to celebrate your birthday!

21 ways to celebrate your birthday!

21 ways to celebrate your birthday. This week I am turning another year older. I have learned to treasure the days, the weeks, the months, and the years as life ticks fast. And I learned when my 40 year old brother died from a heart attack that going up in numbers is the only option…

What captures your heart?

What captures your heart?

What captures your heart? For me, it’s learning!   I knew in 3rd grade I was meant to be a teacher. I hungered to grow and learn.  I arrived home from  school one day and my observant mother noticed I had a nice new black and white 9 x 11 spelling book. I was sitting at…

What does shame do to a woman?

What does shame do to a woman?

What does shame do to a woman? Shame sucks life from a woman! Carrie hung her head. Premarital sex, exotic dancer, and only she knew more of the sex stories. All were part of her résumé of shame. However, her actions changed when she met Jesus. But the shameful scenes dogged her thoughts in the bondage…

Who or what are you listening to?

Who or what are you listening to?

Who are you listening to? What are you listening to? Recently a woman said, “I have switched radio stations. I listen only to Christian music.” And she added, “WOW, what a difference.” … I love this picture (above). It breeds and feeds tranquility, nature,  and calmness. Yet, we live in a noisy world. It’s getting louder…

Do you know your story?

Do you know your story?

Do you know your story? Years ago, I read the book by Dan Allender called to be told, KNOW YOUR STORY-SHAPE YOUR FUTURE!  It’s published by Waterbrook Press. And I highly recommend it. “Since our stories reveal God, no story is ours alone. All our stories are owned by God and reveal truth; therefore no…

Connecting the Dots of Emotional Abuse

Connecting the Dots of Emotional Abuse

Connecting the Dots of Emotional Abuse Women are saying: Reading  “Connecting the Dots of Emotional Abuse” has been an eye opener for me. I am 13 years into my marriage and just recently understanding what Gaslighting and Narcissism really means. The assessments inside the book are very helpful. My EA does not have a lot…

Are you hurting from painfilled relationships?

Are you hurting from painfilled relationships?

 Are you hurting from painfilled relationships? This is taken from book #4 of Enable Me, Lord, to Shift series. We long, desire, want, and hunger for relationships. We strive to connect. Bond.  Link. Share. Associate. Yet life brings us no certainty when it comes to people. Humans have free will. Only you can control you…

What feelings dominate you?

What feelings dominate you?

What feelings dominate you?  Are they running and ruining your life? Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into the Truth and live!  I  took a lie from my feelings bank…

What thoughts leave you stuck?

What thoughts leave you stuck?

What thoughts leave you stuck? or What lies do you believe? Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into Truth and live!  I  took a lie and then uprooted it and…