What is Life Purpose Coaching?

What is Life Purpose Coaching?

What is life purpose coaching? It is this verse in action, “A plan in the heart of a person is like deep water, But a person of understanding draws it out” (Proverbs 20:5  NASB). A coach draws your stories out of you through asking questions to guide you into your lane of life purpose. A coach has a…

Do you know what you want from your life?

Do you know what you want from your life?

Do you know what you want from your life? Often we know what we do not want in life. Let’s make a list.  We do not want: Sickness. War-just watch what is occurring in Ukraine. My heart is torn for them. I pray. We don’t want fighting in relationships. We don’t want poverty. We don’t…

Two Leftovers From Emotional Abuse!

Two Leftovers From Emotional Abuse!

Two RED Flags for Women! Two areas that are often hidden for women and can stop you from growing-up.  Become aware of them and then learn to step out of their trap. One is negating. This means when you say I want to do that, but then slap your hand over it and never do…

Who needs me?

Who needs me?

Who needs me? It’s human nature to want to be needed. Yet women can get stuck in transitions in life and/or even learning to let go. Are you stuck in complacency? Are you stuck in comfortableness? Maybe you’re married and you became widowed or divorced? Now what? Who needs me? Or maybe you have children and…

How do you handle changes in life?

How do you handle changes in life?

How do you handle changes in life? I’ve heard women say, “I don’t like changes.” Do you like changes? I never did. But in order to grow change must occur. Think of a seed, death to life.  Life ramps up. And it brings uncertainty, unsettledness, and unstable times. Weather changes. People change. Jobs change. Neighborhoods change,…

How do I STOP second guessing myself?

How do I STOP second guessing myself?

Learn how to STOP second-guessing yourself!  As it shrinks YOU right out of the picture of your life! KNOW the TRUTH about yourself! And if you don’t know YOU, discover YOU through coaching!  And if you have lived in any type of abuse as a woman, second guessing is a given!  It begins by the…

What does pornography cause?

What does pornography cause?

What does pornography cause? DESTRUCTION! Devastation!  Men or women, do you think you can dabble in porn and not be hurt or hurt anyone? WRONG!  Do you think you can hide behind your screen and not leave a mess? Your addiction is spit out everywhere! Do you think you can hide abuse and how you are…

I didn’t want to die an angry woman!

I didn’t want to die an angry woman!

I didn’t want to die an angry woman! How do you respond when life kicks you and you don’t like it? Have you ever felt blocked from what you want or wanted? Have you ever stuffed your emotional pain? Then you might swing the other way and have a lot to say in the wrong…

How do you survive chaos?

How do you survive chaos?

How do you survive chaos? I am pleased to link you over to Carol Graham’s Praying for Miracles page today where Carol interviewed me on her podcast.  Carol Graham has her own story of loss and grief. She is an expert in surviving against all odds. And is a master charismatic storyteller whose message is…

Where are you at today?

Where are you at today?

Where are you at today? In order to get on down the road in life, we must  access where we are. Which # and words best describe your life and where  you are at today? Doubt. Determined. Destiny. Sadness. Story. Stepping. Pain. Purpose. Platform. Stuck. Stepping. Soaring. Harried. Hurting. Hungry for Purpose – Balanced. Believing.…

Can Life Purpose Coaching bring me to life?

Can Life Purpose Coaching bring me to life?

Can Life Purpose Coaching bring me to life? I coached a couple that has been married for 35 + years. Their passion of writing books collides, two want to be authors =books. What fun we had in our session.  When we started she said, “I am stalled out.” When we wrapped up our coaching session…

What do you do with loss and grief?

What do you do with loss and grief?

What do you do with loss and grief? This is a loaded and messy and HARD topic. Matter of fact, I have a book soon to be shopped out on this topic. Not one of us will get off this planet without some type of loss.  It is very strange to me that one of…