How to get through the holidays when life is hard!
When life is hard, what’s the best medicine during the holidays? To Give thanks! What, you may ask? Holidays are not easy for many women let alone a normal day. If your Thanksgiving doesn’t look like a picture from the latest magazine with a big stuffed turkey glazed-over with all the fancies setting on a…
Ten Myths about Writing a Book!
Ten Myths about Writing a Book! You want to write? You think you’re to write? You’re scared to write? Ten Myths about Writing a book! 1. You believe you have to have a book out-lined before you begin. Nope! 2. You believe you have to have the book figured out before you begin writing. Not…
What is the value of life purpose coaching?
What is the value of life purpose coaching? With their permission I share. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and coaching with me today. I have already put up my post it notes!! God has given you a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing it with me. N.O. Self-Confidence. My voice has grown.…
What women are saying!
Coaching Clients and women are saying: Coaching Books Speaking Newsletter Coaching groups (Creatives that I have coached over the last 15 years include: Moms, Artists, Coaches, Writers, Painters, Speakers, Gem Stone Lovers, Nurses, Teachers, Counselors, Musicians, Doctors, Professors, and other creatives to discover their life purpose and to launch in their gifted calling.) It is…
What is shame and its lie?
What is shame and its lie? Shame is all about pinning you down and holding you back from freedom. It’s accusation driven. And driven to the core of your heart for you to believe, the lie, that you are NO GOOD! Picture someone pointing their finger at you and even driving their finger into your chest.…
How to recipes for women to grow!
How to recipes for women to grow. I have hung with women all of my adult life. And I have coached women for 14 years and taught women longer than that, plus I have been in Bible studies with women since my early 20’s. Plus, I grew up with two sisters and I watched my…
Are you at a loss in life?
Are you at a loss in life? I wonder what are you doing with your grief, especially if you feel at a loss in life? Are you pushing it down deep into the recesses of your heart where no one sees? (Which by the way your pain does spill out on others.) Or are you…
How to begin to grieve?
How to begin to grieve? Tears cascaded down my cheeks. I sobbed with my head in my hands and I needed to have it out with God! I dropped to my knees on a bed of fresh pine needles I’d found along my favorite wooded trail. My inward groaning erupted in a scream, God where…
What is a Day on Purpose?
What is a Day on Purpose? It’s an event (all day or retreat event) for women to come, stop, and drop. Then they take inventory of their life to address these questions. Is this all there is to life? Deep within me I believe there is something more I am to be doing! But what?…
What do you do with self-pity?
Self-pity can become addictive. And it stinks. I know so. I got stuck there in life and within myself. Not GOOD! Google says, Self-pity is an excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over one’s own troubles. And people can wallow in it and milk it. One can choose to live the whiny way and/or the victim mentality. Please KNOW,…
Where do you begin to write a book?
DREAM with me – even if it’s hard! You want your story to count, right? Is this occurring? Your book idea isn’t going away? You’ve tried to quiet the book message within you? You know you have limiting beliefs about your writing and they’re getting in your way to write? Where do you begin to…
How do you persevere in your purpose?
How do you persevere in your purpose? Are you worn out and worn down? Maybe it’s from the leftovers from COVID and all the changes! Do you want to give up? The uncertainties with our country and the news, the news, the news. I will tell you kindly what my father taught me as a…