Which is more effective?
To make a : New Years Resolution or discover and live out your Life Purpose? Listen into an interview, less than 30 minutes, with Woman’s Heart Director, Lisa Granger. New Year Resolutions, Yes or No? Listen in!
What is my life purpose?
Do you ever ask: What is my life purpose? What more is there for me in life? I have so many regrets, how can I go forward? I think there is more, but what am I to be doing? Listen in to a conversational talk that occurred over 25 minutes for the AARP of Michigan,…
The Top 10 Most Read Blog Posts!
The top 10 most read blog posts from Hearts with a Purpose in 2022. Click on the link to read that post! With 256 reads. How do you stop ruminating? Do you long for peace? With 264 reads. With 266 Reads. How do you starve doubt? What is the Roadmap to get published? With…
Is it time to be bold?
Earlier this year in 2022 I drove back from my hair dresser and I sensed let go of the highlights and let’s see your natural hair color for this next season of your life. Really? Dare I? Yes. Done. It was time to see more truth of my story. Do you need to be bold…
In grief this holiday season?
In grief this holiday season? If so, I am sorry. I know several people and readers here at Hearts with a Purpose that are facing grief head on this holiday season with the loss of a precious loved one, a health issue, and/or another major concern. I am so sorry for your pain. I will not…
Going through a divorce during the holidays?
A divorce is hard enough, but then at the holidays! Remind yourself, you still have a life and a purpose. I know so! You maybe asking yourself many questions: Who will help me? You were made by God and for GOD and He can sustain you if you are willing to turn to Him. I…
How to grow emotionally well?
How to grow emotionally well? (I am rerunning this blog post from July of 2022 as it was one of the higher blog reads of 2022- 661 reads.) These two emails arrived in my inbox within 12 hours. One woman shares her problem and the other shares her solution. The first email came in on…
Are you feeling depleted or lonely?
Life is hard, I will not dismiss that. And life is full of changes and challenges. No matter your story or journey or what has occurred, He is for you — GOD that is! Are you feeling depleted or lonely? Several years ago, I taught in a Christian school, then homeschooled my own precious three…
How to write devotionals?
Have you ever felt the nudge, the prodding, that you are to start writing and it’s with writing devotionals? If so, you have landed at the right blog spot. How do I write devotionals? Over fifteen years ago, I felt the nudge to begin writing in the midst of much transformation in my own story.…
How to get through the holidays when life is hard!
When life is hard, what’s the best medicine during the holidays? To Give thanks! What, you may ask? Holidays are not easy for many women let alone a normal day. If your Thanksgiving doesn’t look like a picture from the latest magazine with a big stuffed turkey glazed-over with all the fancies setting on a…
Ten Myths about Writing a Book!
Ten Myths about Writing a Book! You want to write? You think you’re to write? You’re scared to write? Ten Myths about Writing a book! 1. You believe you have to have a book out-lined before you begin. Nope! 2. You believe you have to have the book figured out before you begin writing. Not…
What is the value of life purpose coaching?
What is the value of life purpose coaching? With their permission I share. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and coaching with me today. I have already put up my post it notes!! God has given you a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing it with me. N.O. Self-Confidence. My voice has grown.…