Are you at a loss because of loss?

A Loss Hurts!

  • Are you pushing it down deep into the recesses of your heart where no one sees? (Which by the way your pain does spill out on others.)
  • Or, are you taking steps to process the pain?

The Merriam Webster on-line Dictionary states grief as a deep and poignant distress caused by bereavement, an unfortunate outcome, disaster, mishap, misadventure, trouble, annoyance, or even playful criticism.

I read in a devotional book, Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman, “Sorrow causes deep scars, and indelibly writes its story on the suffering heart. We never completely recover from our greatest griefs and are never exactly the same after having passed through them. Yet sorrow that is endured in the right spirit impacts our growth favorably and brings us a greater sense of compassion for others.”

I agree with that quote and added the underlining.

Has your sorrow in life created growth? If you’re early in grief it may not be time yet. However, if you have had some time to grieve, please think through these:

  • Have you had good growth?

  • What can be turned for good instead of the pain?

If you are wading through the grief I applaud you for doing the hard work.

But what if you’ve made grief your long lost friend. Women can “attach” to grief and loss. This attachment does not allow women to move through the channel of grief. And if you don’t move through the channel you get stuck.  And being stuck in anything can create a painful life!

For some women they might not even recognize they’re grieving because there hasn’t been a shocking telephone call or a rude argument.  Grief can be unannounced, yet internally noticed.

You may not be able to put your finger on it, name it, yet, you may be stuck in the quicksand of sadness of something. It may be an unmet need from a desired relationship that never came to be, (Mother to daughter, sister to sister, Father to daughter, spouse to spouse, etc.) you fill in the blanks!

I have heard women say:

  • Wow, I never saw “_____” as unmet need.
  • “I never voiced it.”
  • “I never understood it and now I do.”
  • “ I had pain but, I just did not know it was __________.”

Grief and loss can be subtle, sneaky, and time consuming as it wiggles into one’s life. If you do not watch out it can permanently take up residency until addressed. Grief comes in all sizes and packages.

Receive this grief-loss coaching inventory to examine your grief packages and discover if you are healed emotionally. It’s a list of 100 + areas women grieve in. Check the List of Grief and Loss Inventory!

And if you are  ready to recycle your grief to find something of “lasting value” to do with your pain to make an eternal difference, do one of these to help you:

Join this months group coaching. Email for the time.

Or set up private coaching  Read more and purchase! so you can move through your pain and recycle it for purpose. The WORSE thing you can do is NOTHING.