Five Truths to Face about Narcissism with the Piercings of Abuse!

If you’re living in the evil land of abuse  with someone that is full of themself and entitled, you will be led to believe something that is not reality.

The abuser skews and taints your mind and in a sense brain washes you to control YOU! That makes them feel good about themself!

Yet, you are being used and you will be deceived. Then you stay their victim and live in denial and become a little little speck. Think about that, it is a sick sick way to live. I know it well. I clocked the hours and the years! 

Five Truths to Face about Narcissism with the Piercings of Abuse!

  1. Become aware of these: You are the one that always causes issues and you must change. YOU!
      • You cannot do that.
      • You need to change this.
      • You need to tell them.
      • Why would you do that?
      • You should not feel that way. Who are they to tell you how to feel?
      • You are too demanding.
      • You should say this or that.
      • You really think that is going to happen?
      • Why did you say that?
      • Why did you do that?

When you are fed a daily diet of these questions and comments, a person in abuse second guesses themselves which creates anxiety.

2. Second guessing is an ingredient sown into the abused. It keeps the abused one in a trap.

3. Self doubt then grows within the abused. Therefore, if it is you, then you doubt your own ability to make a decision and you remain stuck, sad, and spin in the abuse.

And the abuser wins. Do NOT let them. You are worth every step to freedom.

4. Anxiety comes with abuse.  It keeps you off center and you spin!

5. And chaos comes as well with a narcissist. They want to be in charge at all times at the expense of jerking you around. You may feel you want to run, hide and scream, as the abuse is so painful when your dreams are smashed and your voice is ignored.

These are only Five Truths to Face with the Piercings of Abuse! There are many more at your expense.

Stand on this TRUTH! God is for you, not against you. Stand on this TRUTH! “…God is for me…” (Romans 8:31b NASB).

Get help. Get into counseling or seek coaching with me.

The one in abuse must face and admit they want more in life, and were made for more and better treatment.

Choose to change the direction of your life. It must start with you.

If you think this can not be done, I will argue that with you, you can change your life.

Choose to own your own junk and grow past being abused and that you want more for yourself, you will succeed to grow your voice. Do you want that for you? I can coach you. You deserve respect!

Stop allowing others to slaughter your heart. Be coached to become you. Pain to Purpose!

Purchase any of The Enable Me, Lord, to Shift books to learn to know how to live out the Truth. BOOKS!