What women state after being coached by Darlene Larson or taking a course!

Coached! Courses~

  • Women send me snapshots of which book they are working on and what hits them, see picture. This is book three, emotional domain Enable, Me, Lord, to Shift.  Enable Me, Lord, to Shift books!


  • Just a small victory dance! I wish I was close enough to frolic in a circle with YOU! I wanted ONE of my Coded Prayer books on the table for the conference this year BUT will have ALL FOUR of them for sale!!! L. R. (Our goal was one book in one year, but she will have four.)


  • I want to thank you so much for our session yesterday.  Your description of passion really helped me understand why everyone doesn’t get as excited as I do about my passion…  I get it now and will not shy away from sharing my gratefulness in what He is doing when I have the privilege of sharing Him with others. Nancy


  • I resisted setting a timer until I got tired of spending all day in the “vortex of detail” that produced no gain — “when the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of changing, we WILL change” — and set a TIMER as you advised for a first time today. I don’t think I’ve EVER updated my own …info so efficiently! Thank you even though your nudge took a while to do. L.R.

  • Coaching has been incredibly helpful. I could never improve on my own. Thank you for your prayers, advice, and guidance. Especially for the words of truth what I exactly needed. M. G.


  • I would say provocative, meaning stimulating and requiring a lot of personal reflection and thought, nothing negative.  I have never thought so much to clarify my purpose and feelings before as was required in the course. I will continue to go back over it as a tool to stay focused on what God has done in my life and my calling and purpose.  Thank you for all you put into the course. Amazing! God bless you!  E.M From self-doubt to published!
  • I appreciate all your work- your books, professional advice and suggestions and, of course, your effective prayers to help me attain traction. N.
  • Awareness. A lot of awareness. Healthier tools to address tough talks. Boundaries. Your questions helped me think differently T.T.

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