Clients share about coaching and courses…
Wow – —- just so very grateful I’ve worked with you and realized I don’t have to respond and react. I can wait. I can be kind and not be emotional. T.E.
I want to thank you (and the Lord working through you) in all of those months in helping me walk through healing, making decisions on new doors to open and to close, finding my purpose and gifts and passion, and helping me step out even in fear and the unknown with the ministry. We had 100 women at my recent Tea and Testimony event yesterday. And it was the most powerful of them all. So many touched lives This never would have happened without the Lord placing you in my life. And I had several women come up to me and say how I inspire them to step out in fear and be courageous, and I was thinking I couldn’t have done it without all of your encouragement and coaching and prayers. S.N.
Thank you, Darlene, you have walked me through more than I know, even your spirit is a witness and continues to bless, to guide, to not allow me to hide. You are seriously, like a flower, once crushed, that now stands talller than all around for the beauty GOD continues in and through you. All your challenges to me still sing in my brain.-lots of them to attain yet. Thank you, love, A Creative Soul L.
Thank you, you help me focus as there are so many distractions. N.
Thank you, so encouraging. I have focus and I know my life purpose. E.
My circumstances were burying me in grief but the Writer’s Life Purpose Course offered me hope and to have direction.” E. M. Read more of her testimony. Do I write? Is that apart of my life purpose?
In such a short time, after listening to me babble, Darlene pulled out such truths from what I said and then shot back wisdom to me, and then I heard where I was stuck. Wow, thank you. ” S.S.
Coaching by Darlene has been very encouraging and empowering to me. As Darlene had been in an emotional abusive relationship and ‘got it’; talking with her and working through the devotionals was the affirmation, “I wasn’t crazy and was on a path to healing.” I needed this! I have documented my 35+ year journey in poetry writing and felt led to share it to help others. Darlene opened the door with her encouragement and baby steps to begin working past the ‘not good enough’ and fears to a purpose God has for me. Thank you, Darlene” S.R.
Women send me snapshots of which book they are working on and what hits them, see picture. This is book three, emotional domain Enable, Me, Lord, to Shift. Enable Me, Lord, to Shift books!
I am so happy to have grown so much from your help. I have more confidence now than before. D. H.
Just a small victory dance! I wish I was close enough to frolic in a circle with YOU! I wanted ONE of my Coded Prayer books on the table for the conference this year BUT will have ALL FOUR of them for sale!!! L. R. (Our goal was one book in one year, but she will have four.)
I knew I was holding on to a lot of “unhealthy stuff”, i.e. the coulda, shoulda, woulda message one plays over and over in their mind, especially as it related to my sister (her chronic illness and somewhat sudden death). As I mourned her loss silently, I asked myself where are my tears? my sadness? and the answer that came back was that “I am angry” and “Feel guilty” at the same time. I knew I needed to work through my feelings to get to the other side of this. I also had many other life situations constantly occupying my mind, really somewhat taking over my thoughts, and at the end of the day, I knew this was not healthy for me. Coaching helped me unpack (Darlene’s phrase here..) those things cluttering up my mind, giving me anxiety – fear – and added stress; all things I know are not healthy. Your active listening, intentional questions, asking me to ‘wonder’ more and judge myself less and then sharing that insight back in a summary of our conversations was very helpful: it really allowed me to grasp and better understand my own thoughts and emotions. T.
Clients share about coaching and courses…
The tools you provided really helped me to navigate the process and they give me a visual to refer back to when I need it. I am so appreciative and grateful to you and know I am in a better place for having had your coaching through this time when I felt truly ‘stuck’. Thank-you for sharing your gift and God-given talent to get me back on track and provide me with some life-long tools to use on my life journey. Love and blessings to you, S.I.T.
I want to thank you so much for our session yesterday. Your description of passion really helped me understand why everyone doesn’t get as excited as I do about my passion… I get it now and will not shy away from sharing my gratefulness in what He is doing when I have the privilege of sharing Him with others. Nancy
I resisted setting a timer until I got tired of spending all day in the “vortex of detail” that produced no gain — “when the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of changing, we WILL change” — and set a TIMER as you advised for a first time today. I don’t think I’ve EVER updated my own …info so efficiently! Thank you even though your nudge took a while to do. L.R.
Coaching has been incredibly helpful. I could never improve on my own. Thank you for your prayers, advice, and guidance. Especially for the words of truth what I exactly needed. M. G.
I would say provocative, meaning stimulating and requiring a lot of personal reflection and thought, nothing negative. I have never thought so much to clarify my purpose and feelings before as was required in the course. I will continue to go back over it as a tool to stay focused on what God has done in my life and my calling and purpose. Thank you for all you put into the course. Amazing! God bless you! E.M From self-doubt to published!
I appreciate all your work- your books, professional advice and suggestions and, of course, your effective prayers to help me attain traction. N.
Awareness. A lot of awareness. Healthier tools to address tough talks. Boundaries. Your questions helped me think differently T.T.
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