8 Mask Women Hide Behind

I know them well. Several I hid behind for many years. These mask only create emotional pain, pretense, and isolation.

A woman tries to do life by these and works at hiding behind them. Until, these mask get so old and worn and she realizes they are not giving back what she wants from them. They’re exhausting. Trying to keep them up and on leads only to a dead end living. And that leads to bondage when we try to be self-sufficient we self-implode over time and realize it’s not healthy at all. These mask or we can call them idols, become like props that we set up in life. And they are not worth it, let me tell you.

Do you hide behind any of these mask? Or perhaps you use your mask like a fix of some kind?

  1. Busyness. I am so busy.
  2. Perfectionism Girl. I have to do it perfectly.
  3. Fear. What if? If only?
  4. People pleaser. I do and do and do, so people will like me.
  5. Passive or Avoidance . Dislike confrontation so one waits and waits and waits to act.
  6. Control Girl. I do not delegate. I must be in charge to make sure it is done my way and done right according to my likes.
  7. Anger. Is anyone listening to me?
  8. Critical. You need to…

 1. Recognize … Which do you hide behind?

2. Respond … What is it you really want instead of wearing this mask?

If you are stuck in any of these have you ever considered being coached to freedom?

Coaching cost money to work with me, BUT, you are worth it.  Coaching to change your life!