Do you dread Mother’s Day?

It can be hard and haunt and hurt many women!

For reasons such as: 

  1. You aren’t a mom and long to become one.
  2. Your mom wasn’t a great role model and your relationship was never solved and/or healed. She is dead now.
  3. Maybe you never ever met your mom, and there is this huge hole in your heart. And perhaps you are ticked and angry about this.
  4. Or your mom and you had a great relationship. And now she is gone.
  5. OR a child is past and if so, I am so sorry!

Over 30 years ago, I dreaded Mother’s Day. My story fit in number one, above. However, GOD being GOD allowed me to become a Mom His way.

I am ever thankful for His way, so very thankful.

And there are three women that have impacted my life, tremendously. Two I met and one I never will. These women are  birthmothers. 

They are females that conceive, carry, and birth a child. For their own reason they release their child for adoption. They are women of different backgrounds and ages and stages of life. They find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. These women love, cry, work, make choices and dream, just like any other woman.

However, they choose to face a decision with courage that will impact several lives; including theirs, their child, their extended family, and two other adults and their families. 

Have you ever thought of the courage a birthmother demonstrates by a sacrificial love of releasing her child into the arms of another? She chooses LIFE!  She is not able or ready to parent.

Because of their sacrificial love for their child I have been allowed the privilege of becoming a mother three times.  I especially thank God for these women on my children’s birthdays and also on Mother’s Day.

God allowed me the role of motherhood.

And yet, I want to add for any woman reading this that has been adopted and your story did not go as you desired, please know, that a woman raised by her biological parent may not have had the life she wanted either.

In the BIG picture of our life, GOD is GOD and He knows our stories, if you doubt, read Psalm 139. He wanted you created!  

And if my precious daughters and daughter-in-law land on this blog and read this post, Happy Mother’s Day to you each, and I thank God for you. I am blessed to be your mom.

10 Suggestions to Survive  Mother’s Day!

  1. Recognize it’s a day to honor moms with cards, gifts, flowers, or phone calls. One day only, a great day. Someone gave you life. Give thanks.

  2. Remind yourself, your mom was your mom. Yet, you are you. You are uniquely different. Accept both facts.

  3. Bake one of your mom’s favorite recipes and if you can, deliver to her doorway or enjoy it yourself in memory.

  4. Write a letter to her and read it at her gravesite.

  5. If you never were able to become a mom, I am sorry, but who can you bless with your life, today? Are you an aunt perhaps?

  6. You can only control YOU….so if you are a mom and waiting for your kids to call you or reach out to you, and they choose not to, who can you control? Only you! Respond doing something you like on Mother’s Day.  And if your child is past, I am so sorry, still try to do something for you and him or her today in their memory.

  7. Give thanks throughout Mother’s Day and reach out to other women that are moms. Wish them a great Mother’s Day. When we give out, our heart expands.

  8. Recognize there is no perfect mom/daughter/son relationship. 

  9. Life is so short, make it a great day. And realize your acceptance as a human being does not come from your children or your parents. It comes from almighty Father God, who made you. Receive His stamp of approval of Truth and then you don’t shrink if you never hear from your loved ones.

  10. Live intentional today, doing what you love to do. Walk. Write. Run. Read. Sing. Skip. Create. Craft. Give thanks all day long! God gives you life. Live it well.

Which will you do?

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