What do women need?

What do women need?

What do women need? Women need women. I have hung with women all of my adult life. Plus, I grew up with sisters and watched my mom with her seven siblings in which five of them were females. Oh they loved and honored each other well through their adult years, up until...
10 Roadblocks to growth!

10 Roadblocks to growth!

10 Roadblocks to growth. I refer them to weeds that wilt women. Stops them dead in their thought life, with no forward action steps of growth! Which are yours? I am not good enough. I do not know how to do that. What will they say if I do that? My standards are so...
Who or what are you listening to?

Who or what are you listening to?

Who are you listening to? What are you listening to? Recently a woman said, “I have switched radio stations. I listen only to Christian music.” And she added, “WOW, what a difference.” … I love this picture (above). It breeds and feeds...
What thoughts leave you stuck?

What thoughts leave you stuck?

What thoughts leave you stuck? or What lies do you believe? Because of my own story, this is how I wrote the series of 31 day devotionals for women called, Enable Me, Lord, to Shift; Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into Truth and live!  I  took a lie and...