How do we live in uncertain times?

How do we live in uncertain times?

How do you live in uncertain times?  For this answer I know it well, keep reading. For over twenty five years I lived in a marriage of abuse. Living in abuse and our current culture is growing closer in looks by the day.  In abuse, uncertainty is bedrock to keep the...
Four Baby Steps to Purpose

Four Baby Steps to Purpose

 I have clocked the hours to make me an expert in a topic that I never wanted to know about. And that topic is emotional abuse and I KNOW tremendous emotional pain. That topic drove me to go on the hunt for my life purpose, as  I wanted to live with purpose and not...
Emotional abuse is a standalone abuse.

Emotional abuse is a standalone abuse.

Emotional abuse is a standalone abuse. Hard to detect at times. You see no black eyes. You see no marks on her body. Yet, her heart is slaughtered as the weapons used on her are verbal and mental, so no one sees it unless they are in the abuser’s presence. It...
Harvesting the gold from your story!

Harvesting the gold from your story!

It takes work, but that is okay, as anything of value in life will require you to get real and gut it out, to gain clarity and grit, to harvest the gold from your stories of life.  Learning about your story is not just gathering information. It’s learning what...