Do you ever feel like giving up?

Do you ever feel like giving up?

Do you ever feel like giving up? I did once upon a time.  And today, you will learn more of that story.  This week, I was featured on Never Ever Give Up Hope with Carol Graham, where I was interviewed about topics that are heavy and very hard for women and for men...
What are the red flags of abuse?

What are the red flags of abuse?

What are the red flags of emotional abuse? Listen in to two podcast where I was interviewed about emotional abuse, narcissism, toxicity and how to see God in the pain of your story. Listen in then do perhaps one of three steps, if you are in abuse and/or desire more...
What is life purpose coaching?

What is life purpose coaching?

What is life purpose coaching? Recently, I was asked these questions for several interviews.  I thought you might  like to read them and my answers. What is it you do? Well, what I do is help struggling, hurting, harried, and hungry women experience true freedom....
Do you know your purpose in life?

Do you know your purpose in life?

Do you know your purpose in life? Or your life purpose, or why you are still alive? When interviewed, I’m asked often, what do I say to the woman that wants to know, does she have a life purpose, if it isn’t to write a book or speak? What would you say to...
How do you grow in endurance?

How do you grow in endurance?

How do you grow in endurance? Endurance is a key to finish any race.  Grade yourself. A. B. C. D. E. or in between? Do you need to work on this area in your life? Discipline is the muscle that empowers endurance.   Call it stick-to-itiveness, grit, to keep showing up...