20 must haves for women – 2021!

20 must haves for women – 2021!

20 Must Haves for Women – 2021 As a coach, it is an honor to hear women’s hearts and desires. And in the last 32 days here are topics I have heard women say they must add into their life in early 2021! Quietness Alone time with God. Girlfriend outings...
8 Mask Women Hide Behind

8 Mask Women Hide Behind

8 Mask Women Hide Behind I know them well. Several I hid behind for many years. These mask only create emotional pain, pretense, and isolation. A woman tries to do life by these and works at hiding behind them. Until, these mask get so old and worn and she realizes...
10 Mask Women Hide Behind

10 Mask Women Hide Behind

10 Mask Women Hide Behind I know these mask well, as several I hid behind for years. They create emotional pain and pretense. And I don’t want that for you. Do you hide behind any of these mask? Busyness. I am so busy. Perfectionism Girl. I have to do it perfectly....