by Darlene Larson | Apr 27, 2021 | Featured
Can emotional wounds hold us back from living out our life purpose? YES, they can! Are you aware of any emotional wounds that hold you back? Do any of these words resonate with you? Denial. You expect a different outcome, yet you repeat and repeat and repeat the same...
by Darlene Larson | Apr 26, 2021 | Books
How do I step forward when stuck? I tried to figure out how God was going to turn my life around. My overly analytical mind swung into full speed. I had asked Jesus, Creator of my life, at least a thousand different times, how God? And I flipped my thoughts over by...
by Darlene Larson | Apr 21, 2021 | Books
Is your life wrapped in a lie? If so, a lie has no legs! Last week, I sat in a celebration of life service for a beautiful 53 year old woman warrior of the Lord. She is now cancer free and celebrating life with Jesus! During the service the Pastor said a few things...
by Darlene Larson | Apr 19, 2021 | Featured
Are you frustrated with the cards you’ve been dealt? Car accident? Handicap? Abuse? Death? Physical Pain? Cancer? Divorce? Accidents? Tornadoes? Hurricanes? Disappointments? Go ahead and fill in the blank to stories in your life that don’t make sense…...
by Darlene Larson | Apr 17, 2021 | Featured
Are you lonely? Loneliness is real and it bites! I asked a woman what is your hardest hard right now? She said, “Being alone.” (And let me add on, COVID-19 has only added to that isolation.) Loneliness is real and it hurts deeply! Many women are living behind closed...