How do I step forward when stuck?

How do I step forward when stuck?

How do I step forward when stuck? I tried to figure out how God was going to turn my life around. My overly analytical mind swung into full speed. I had asked Jesus, Creator of my life, at least a thousand different times, how God? And I flipped my thoughts over by...
Is your life wrapped in a lie?

Is your life wrapped in a lie?

Is your life wrapped in a lie? If so, a lie has no legs! Last week, I sat in a celebration of life service for a beautiful 53 year old woman warrior of the Lord. She is now cancer free and celebrating life with Jesus! During the service the Pastor said a few things...
Are you lonely?

Are you lonely?

Are you lonely? Loneliness is real and it bites! I asked a woman what is your hardest hard right now? She said, “Being alone.”  (And let me add on, COVID-19 has only added to that isolation.) Loneliness is real and it hurts deeply! Many women are living behind closed...