Emotional Abuse Coach

Emotional Abuse Coach

Emotional Abuse Coach Psychological abuse Support Narcissism Partner Abuse Emotional Abuse Support I coach women stuck in abuse. Emotional Abuse Recovery. Emotional Abuse Support Quiz. Emotional Abuse Coach for Women, that’s me! Take a QUIZ,  is this abuse or...
How do you do Father’s Day without a father?

How do you do Father’s Day without a father?

 How do you do Father’s Day without a father? I will answer that question. But first, do you see the red pick-up on the book cover of Enable Me, Lord, to Shift?  It was my father who taught me how to shift and drive the old red pick-up. He sat to the right of...
Are you living in emotional abuse?

Are you living in emotional abuse?

Are you living in emotional abuse? I am a coach for women that have lived or are currently living in emotional abuse, which is oppression. Let me ask you, are you living in oppression? According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary oppression is: unjust or cruel...
How can I become whole?

How can I become whole?

How can I become whole? Picture an upright vacuum cleaner standing in the corner of the living room. Normally, a round cylinder runs up and down inside the machine. It’s empty, until we suck up dust, dirt, hair, or maybe our pet’s fur. Sometimes the machine gets a...
What do you want to do this summer?

What do you want to do this summer?

What do you want to do this summer? Have you made your list of your goals, your plans, or your dreams? If not, sit down. Ask yourself some questions. Take Inventory. Write it out. Begin! Let me ask you three coaching questions. What do you want less of this summer?...